Can Rabbits Eat Grapes?

Grapes are a favorite snack for many of us, and if you are eating some right now it likely has you thinking if it’s safe to share with your rabbit. Well, I am happy to tell you that rabbits can eat grapes, and it’s a wonderful treat for them.

Don’t just take my word for it though. I put the question to the test and found a small grape in the fridge. I gave it to my pet Mabel (an English lop), and she ate it right up. Watch the video below and you will see that rabbits can, and happily do, eat grapes.

See Also – Can Rabbits Eat Romaine Lettuce?

How Often Can I Feed My Rabbit Grapes?

We do not suggest sharing very much though! Grapes are very sweet and too much can give your bunnies runny poops or cecotropes. Half of a grape (or a small grape) is the perfect size.

While rabbits can eat grapes, they should be offered sparingly (a few small pieces per week at most). Grapes contain a lot of sugar which can cause health problems for a rabbit if consumed in large quantities.

Are Grapes Safe for Rabbits?

Yes, grapes are safe in moderation. All types of grapes are fine to share with rabbits, including red, green, concord, chardonnay, and others.

While grapes are not the most nutritious fruit, they keep your bunny hydrated and contain vitamin C, B6, and potassium.

We also suggest that you always remove any seeds before feeding grapes to your rabbit.

It’s Grape to Share Your Grapes

If the grapes you’re snacking on are hitting and you want to share it with your furry friend, go ahead. Just give them one small piece, and they can enjoy the trip to Flavortown with you.

If you have any more questions about grapes or bunny dietary concerns, leave a comment down below and I will be happy to assist as best as I can.

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